Field & Game Australia – 2025 Victorian Duck Season Update

Field & Game Australia – 2025 Victorian Duck Season Update 

The 2025 Victorian Duck Season will run from 8 a.m. on Wednesday, 19th March 2025, to 30 minutes after sunset on Monday, 9th June 2025. 

The season will proceed under the Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2024, with the following key details: 
Duck & Stubble Quail Season – 2025 Key Details 

Duck Season: 

Season Dates: 

  • Opening: 8 a.m. on Wednesday, 19th March 2025 (third Wednesday in March) 

  • Closing: 30 minutes after sunset on Monday, 9th June 2025 (second Monday in June) 

  • The government has indicated a commitment to not changing season start and end dates for the next 3 years (seasons). 

Daily Hunting Times: 

  • Opening week (first five days): From 8 a.m. 

  • Remainder of the season: From 30 minutes before sunrise 

  • Closing time: 30 minutes after sunset 

Huntable Species: As legislated (Blue-winged Shoveler NOT permitted). 

Daily Bag Limit: 9 birds 

Stubble Quail Season: 

Open season: the season opens on the first Saturday of April and closes on the last day of June, each year. Hunting is permitted from 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset throughout the season.

Bag limit: maximum 20 birds per day.

Hunting Methods: shotgun only, not exceeding 12 gauge. Lead shot is prohibited for all game bird hunting, including for Stubble Quail.  Hunters are required to use non-toxic shot only. Non-toxic shot options are listed in Schedule 6 of the Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2024.

Gundogs may be used to assist in hunting Stubble Quail.

The use of electronic quail callers is not permitted.

 Adaptive Harvest Management – A New Era 

2025 marks the first year of Adaptive Harvest Management (AHM) in Victoria, signalling the early stages of the Victorian Duck Harvest Strategy. Field & Game Australia (FGA) is carefully evaluating this new approach and will continue to provide constructive, science-based feedback to the government to ensure transparency, credibility, and sustainability in decision-making. 

ShapeGovernment Recognition of Hunting 

While concerns remain regarding political interference in what should be a science-driven process, FGA acknowledges that this announcement represents progress. The Labor Government’s adherence to legislated processes—rather than political manoeuvring—signals a positive shift. 

We specifically recognize Minister for Outdoor Recreation, Steve Dimopoulos, for his role in ensuring this decision was based on regulatory processes rather than political ideology. His commitment to hunting as a legitimate, regulated, and sustainable activity is an important step forward. FGA will continue to advocate for hunters’ rights and ensure responsible, evidence-based game management practices remain the foundation of future decisions. 

ShapeCertainty in Season Dates – A Return to Proper Process 

FGA applauds the government's commitment to not changing season dates for next three years.  

Certainty around when the season starts, and how long it runs will give hunters and industry the surety they need to plan well in advance. 

This means that only bag limits and minor management measures will be subject to change—just as it should be under a properly functioning regulatory system. 

Hunters have long called for a return to consistency, transparency, and evidence-based decision-making—and this announcement delivers on that expectation. However, we cannot afford to be complacent. This commitment must not be a temporary concession but a lasting precedent for all future governments to follow. The hunting community must remain vigilant and actively engaged to ensure that this process is not reversed, diluted, or manipulated in the years ahead. 

We acknowledge Minister Dimopoulos for his role in restoring certainty and ensuring hunting remains a properly regulated and recognized activity. But we must also reinforce that this is how the system should always function. FGA will continue to hold future governments accountable to this standard of governance. 

ShapeGrowing Our Hunting Community 

The future of duck hunting in Victoria depends on continued strong participation. In 2025, we must continue to grow hunter numbers—that means recruiting a friend, taking a family member, and getting out in the field. By introducing new hunters to the tradition, we secure a vibrant and sustainable future for our community and passion. 

Why Join Field & Game Australia? 

With the challenges facing hunters today, it’s more important than ever to stand with an organization that works for you—every single day. 

FGA is led by experienced professionals who engage directly with government, regulators, and key stakeholders to ensure hunting remains a valued and protected part of Australia’s heritage. 

We are in the rooms where decisions are made, presenting strong, evidence-based advocacy that delivers real results for hunters. 

If you care about the future of duck hunting, join Australia’s largest and most effective hunting advocacy group— 
Join Field & Game Australia today!