Rules for interstate firearm licence holders in NT

Members who are planning on heading up to the Northern Territory will be very pleased to learn that the rules around the purchase of ammunition by visitors when in the NT have been relaxed.

As of June 17, a temporary exemption will allow interstate firearms licence holders to purchase and possess ammunition in the Northern Territory under certain conditions.

A person who holds a corresponding category A, B , C or H licence who is in the NT to attend an approved shooting competition (including the Festival of Clays at NT Field & Game in August) and intends to be in the NT for less than three months, may purchase ammunition providing:

1. The ammunition is only used by the person;

2. The ammunition, if used in the NT, is only used while participating in an approved shooting competition; and

3. When purchasing the ammunition, the person presents evidence of their participation in the approved shooting competition.

A person who holds a corresponding category A or B licence, who intends to be in the NT for less than 3 months, may purchase ammunition providing:

1. The ammunition is only used by the person;

2. The ammunition, if used within the NT, is only used for the purpose for which the person is authorised to possess or use the firearm in the State or Territory that issued the corresponding licence; and

3. When purchasing ammunition, the person presents evidence of their firearms licence in force under a law of a State or other Territory.


This outcome is thanks to the constant advocacy efforts of NT Field & Game and others in the NT who fought to find a solution and present it to the Police Minister for consideration – a move that has paid off for all concerned.