
2025 Season goes off with a bang

Our members are out and about enjoying the season, creating lifelong memories with family and friends. We'll keep this area updated with action pics as we receive them.

2025 Victorian Duck Season Update

Field & Game Australia – 2025 Victorian Duck Season Update The 2025 Victorian Duck Season will run from 8 a.m. on Wednesday, 19th March 2025, to 30 minutes after sunset on Monday, 9th June 2025.

Standing Up for South Australian Hunters

Field & Game Australia stands firm in advocating for fair policies that support hunters and conservationists amid growing restrictions and cost increases. We appreciate the concerns raised by Hon. Nicola Centofanti regarding recent restrictions and price hikes that unfairly target the hunting community. Read the letter here.

2025 Victorian Duck season setting progress

The Victorian Government has released the Draft Game Duck Harvest Strategy, a major initiative designed to provide a structured, evidence-based framework for sustainable game duck hunting. Field & Game Australia (FGA) has reviewed the draft and provided detailed feedback, emphasizing opportunities to improve the strategy and ensure its success. Below are the key points from the strategy and FGA’s response.

Take Action Tuesday: Calling All Fox Hunters! 🦊

Read more about a unique opportunity to actively contribute to wildlife conservation and demonstrate the essential role of hunters in scientific research. Together, we can shape the future of conservation in Australia and beyond.

What hunters need to know about High Path Avian Influenza if/when it arrives in Australia

High pathogenicity AI H5 viruses (including H5N1) have not been detected in animals in Australia. In Australian poultry enterprises, eleven outbreaks of HPAI H7 strains occurred between 1976 and 2024 [20-25]. HPAI has never been detected in Australian wild birds, other than one detection of HPAI H7 in a feral Eurasian starling (Sterna vulgaris) trapped inside an affected poultry shed during a 1985.

Vale Max Downes

Field & Game Australia (FGA) were deeply saddened to receive the news from family that Max had passed away on Thursday 17 October 2024, eleven days before his 97th birthday.

The Aussie Bird Count: Why contribute?

Every year, Birdlife Australia encourages the public to get involved with its Aussie Bird Count for one week in October. Counting birds is simple; and if you see ducks in the mix, the numbers are useful for informing the data on game bird abundance. Field & Game Australia volunteers – many of them hunters – count duck numbers twice each year.

Victorian fox bounty increases

For the first time in 22 years, Victoria’s fox bounty has increased – from $10 per scalp to $14 – in a move aimed at encouraging increased control of these pests which cost farmers tens of millions of dollars in lost stock and also kill hundreds of millions of native animals, birds and reptiles every year. Find out how you can become involved in this important conservation effort.

Take Action Tuesday

Every time we don’t act, those who want to see hunting and shooting sports restricted, or even banned, gain ground. So, we're launching Take Action Tuesday to make it as easy as possible for you to take positive action. Each week, we’ll provide you with the most critical updates, the relevant information you need, the direct links to make your voice heard, and the actions you can take to help us secure the pastimes we've enjoyed for generations.

Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2024 decisions released

With the release on September 2 of the decisions regarding the new Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2024, the Victorian Government has stood by its commitment to enable sustainable, regulated game hunting to continue. The final regulations have mostly adhered to what was in the draft, but several important changes have been made.

1080 pest animal poisoning

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) will be undertaking a 1080 pest animal poisoning program using buried baits and canid pest ejectors on public land to control wild dogs, from September 2, 2024 to January 1, 2025.

Notice of fox control program using commercial 1080 baits

Parks Victoria will be undertaking 1080 fox baiting from Monday, June 10, 2024 until Friday, August 30, 2024, inclusive at the following locations: Dowd Morass Wildlife Reserve (State Game Reserve); Heart Morass Wildlife Reserve (State Game Reserve); Andrew Bay – Grebe Bay Gippsland Lakes Reserve; and Clydebank Morass Wildlife Reserve (State Game Reserve).