
Take Action Tuesday

Published Tue 24 Sep 2024

Dear Field & Game Australia members,

Our heritage needs you now more than ever.  TAKE ACTION to volunteer for FGA's environmental projects through ParkConnect; read more here!

Every day, our hunting traditions and outdoor pursuits come under attack from multiple directions. Whether it’s through legislative proposals, misleading media narratives, or organised campaigns by those who don’t understand or value our way of life, the pressure is relentless. But so too is our resolve to protect the history and heritage we hold dear.

We know that the sheer number of surveys, petitions, and calls to action can be overwhelming. It’s easy to feel buried under the constant stream of issues demanding your attention. We understand that not everyone has the time to sort through the noise, and we respect that you may be juggling many responsibilities. But here’s the truth: Every time we don’t act, those who want to see hunting and shooting sports restricted, or even banned, gain ground.

Take, for example, the recent parliamentary inquiry into duck hunting in Victoria. More than 5000 hunters made their voices heard, writing in to defend our rights and traditions. But what about the other 15,000+ hunters who didn’t? The silence of those thousands gave more weight to the voices of those who oppose us. If we want to preserve our way of life, we can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines.

That’s why we’re launching this regular column, Take Action Tuesday!

Our goal is simple: to make it as easy as possible for you to take positive action. Each week, we’ll provide you with the most critical updates, the relevant information you need, and direct links to make your voice heard. We’ll cut through the clutter and bring you the actions that matter most.

But we need you to do one thing: Take action. If you send one email this week, make it count. If you sign one petition, let it be a strong message of support for our community. If you participate in one survey, let it be the one that helps safeguard our heritage. If you encourage one new hunter to join our ranks, we're all the stronger for it. If you can volunteer to help for even just a day on an environmental project, everyone benefits. We’ve seen what happens when we don’t engage — we’ve seen the threats to our traditions grow. Now is the time to reverse that trend.

Remember, every action counts. Together, we are stronger, louder, and more influential. Those who want to see our way of life restricted are relentless, but so are we. By banding together and taking action — whenever and wherever possible — we can protect our rights, our heritage, and our future.

This is our call to arms. Don’t let others decide the future of hunting and outdoor recreation. Stand up, take action, and let’s ensure that our history and heritage continue to thrive for generations to come.


TAKE ACTION item Week 1: Great Forest National Park

Read FGA’s position on this and other matters here.  Take Action here.

TAKE ACTION item Week 2: Oppose the bowhunting ban in South Australia

Read FGA’s position on this and other matters here. Take Action here.

TAKE ACTION item Week 3: Seek local councillors' position on hunting

Read FGA’s position on this and other matters here. Take Action here.

TAKE ACTION item Week 4: Supporting the petition to stop the aerial culling of deer

Read FGA’s position on this and other matters here. Take Action here.

TAKE ACTION item Week 5: Aiming to see 2500 new hunters by 2025

Read FGA’s position on this and other matters here. 

TAKE ACTION item Week 6: Volunteer for FGA's environmental projects through ParkConnect

Read FGA’s position on this and other matters here. Take Action here.



Stay tuned for next week’s action items, and please, get on board with Take Action Tuesday — because our future depends on it.

Yours in conservation,

Lucas Cooke
CEO, Field & Game Australia
Australia's trusted conservationists

